Kvet Nguyen
Slovak-vietnamese artist
November, 2021

PRESS (selection)

*NEW* BOOK: Všetko, čo nás spája (Everything that connects us) — Slovak only

[SK] dostupná na Martinuse, Obchod Denníka N, Artforum aj Panta Rhei.

“I often ask myself who I would be if I wasn’t born in Slovakia. Would my family also have an Asian bistro or a clothes store in another country? Would we also have so few friends? Would I have a better relationship with my sister? Would I suffer from racism in the same way? Would I be an artist in another country? I’ll never know because I was born in Slovakia.”

Prečítajte si ukážku z knihy.


Based in the heart of London, Delfina Foundation is an independent, non-profit foundation dedicated to facilitating artistic exchange and developing creative practice through residencies, partnerships and public programming. Since 2014, Delfina Foundation is London’s largest provider of international residencies for artists, creative practitioners, and collectors.

OSKÁR ČEPAN AWARD 2024 (Laureate)

JURY STATEMENT: “We were taught to look at Eastern Europe as a semi-periphery inhabited by mono-ethnic and mono-cultural societies. In the artistic practice represented by Kvet, we are invited to discover the other side of the story, seen through the lens of the Vietnamese minority in post-war Czechoslovakia. By combining foreign identities, photographs and cultural references, Kvet creates a language in which the concept of “otherness” becomes the key to understanding the globalized world. Therefore, we perceive Kvet Nguyen’s artistic practice as an important voice on the current Slovak art scene.”


“We are happy to announce another group of artists to join Futures this year. The ten artists were nominated through by Fotograf Magazine: Polina Davydenko, DUNA group, Julie Hrncirova, Jan Durina, Kvet Nguyen.”

TATRA BANKA AWARD (Young artist 2021)

The Tatra banka Foundation Art Award is also recognizing young artists under 30. The Young Artist award this year is presented (among others) to Kvet Nguyen for the artist’s exhibition Reframing possibilities (SODA Gallery & online).

Rozhovory ZKH

[SK] What is different about the second generation of Vietnamese who, unlike their parents, were born in Slovakia? And what does a person who is Slovak but looks different experience? Watch Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová’s interview with photographer and artist Kvet Ngyuen.


EJMAP European Journal of Media, Art and Photography (Portfolio)

Key words Identity. Migration. Other-ness. Personal history. Postcolonial. Slovak-vietnamese. The full text is available in English here.

FLASHART (article)

[SK] If we take into account the current biographical data, Kvet Nguyen (born Hoa Nguyen Thi) completed her master’s degree this year at the Department of Photography and New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. This fact is surprising, especially compared to her media image, which is unusually colorful and rich for a recent graduate. Even though her visibility on the art scene is a reflection of her numerous activities, from professional photography to activist collaborations to her own program, a control question is offered: is the interest in the artist’s work not (also) caused by her exotic otherness.


[SK] The show by the moderator duo Olja Triaška Stefanovič and Palo Čejka reflects topics from the field of visual arts and culture. “O tvorbe a súčasných podobách v grafike a fotografii sme sa rozprávali s mladými, talentovanými a čerstvými absolventmi VŠVU – Kvet Nguyen (Hoa Nguyen Thi) a Michalom Šumichrastom. Ich tvorba predstavuje veľmi silnú generačnú výpoveď o témach, ako sú napríklad pamäť, história, identita a falošné správy a hoaxy, ktoré následné zobrazujú a interpretujú v súčasnom umení.”


[SK] In conversation with Jana Močková. “Ako dieťa čelila šikane a často nerozumela ani rodičom, Kvet Nguyen hovorí o živote druhej generácie Vietnamcov na Slovensku.”


[EN] In conversation with Bea Dömeová. “A feeble limb of cucumber supports a plastic cup filled with mango pulp. Enoki strands grow out of the orange mush, hoisting up a sheet of bánh tráng. The translucent rice paper bends, as if wilting, looking down from above.”


[SK] Interview with Martin Brix. “Aké je byť cudzinkou vo vlastnej vlasti? Vypočujte si rozhovor.”


A report I helped make and was part of the story, written by Tomáš Vasilko, documented by Vladimír Šimíček. “From Vietnam to Tvrdošovce: Report about the life of a Vietnamese family in Slovakia and its relatives who stayed in Vietnam.”


[SK] Interview with Júlia Jamrichová. “Tému inakosti nedokážeme vnímať bez politického pátosu. Stávajú sa z nás iba čísla a štatistiky.”


[SK] In conversation with Já Janočko. “Keby ste mali možnosť dotknúť sa najosobnejších spomienok cudzieho človeka, asi by ste tak urobili doslova v rukavičkách. V rozhovore prezrádza aj to, ktoré stereotypy ju hnevajú, či je Slovensko pre Vietnamcov vysnívanou destináciou a ako na ňu reagovala trnavská vietnamská komunita.”


[SK] Daily podcast with Martin Staňo and Dominika Jašková. “Slovenkou alebo Slovákom môže byť aj niekto, kto vyzerá inak.”


[EN] In conversation with Anna Fay. “A flower by any other name: How a Vietnamese photographer blossomed in Slovakia.”


[SK] Interview and photographs by Dorota Holubová. “Zvolila si fotografiu, ktorá jej umožňuje komunikovať komplexné témy zrozumiteľne. Napríklad aj to, ako okolie najmä v mladosti poukazovalo na jej inakosť.”


[SK] Interview with Dominika Pacigová. “Neviem, či tolerovanie Vietnamcov na Slovensku je reálne, otec sa kedysi musel skrývať.”


[SK] In conversation with Anna Jacková. “Považujem sa za Slovenku, ale som hlavne človekom.”


[SK] An interview with Michal Havran and his hosts Claudia Tran, Martin Kuštek and Kvet Nguyen. “Michal Havran si do svojej diskusnej relácie pozýva odborníkov a hostí z rôznych oblastí. Spolu debatujú o spoločenských fenoménoch a súčasnom dianí najmä na Slovensku.”


[SK] A survey on how artists survived the pandemic year 2020. “Tú energiu odrazu ukončených životov nesmieme nechať ležať ladom.”

Copyright © 2021 KVET NGUYEN. All rights reserved.